About On-Dmand Products

Each product in our catalog is made specifially for your order. Each order is made on-demnd when you place your order.

We are doing our best to get our orders out to you on time, but during these unprecedented times delays sometimes happen. We work with production partners and shipping carriers who have encountered industry wide disruptions due to the impacts of COVID-19.

About Shipping Delays

Whilst we are happy e-commerce is booming it does not come without it's struggles. North American shipping carriers are tracking the large amount of incoming orders, and millions of shipments are stuck in distribution centres across the country, leading to industry wide shipping delays and orders being late.

Most tracking links are taking longer than usual to update. The overwhelming amount of shipments at distribution centres means carriers are slower to register you shipment. Sometimes tracking information may not change for a week.


More Info

NY Times on Shipping Delays

NY Times Holiday Shopping Deliveries